In the previous post we where able to collect information about pods running in our cluster thanks to the deployment of our Ambassador container, but having this information is of little value if we don't have a way to make sense of it. In this post we are going to develop a new functionality in our Ambassador so we can publish this information into a service.

This way we can take this data and create an dashboard for example:


Before we go any further first we need to do some modifications to our last version. We can start by decomposing the Stats class into three components.

The first component will take care of reading the hardware telemetry:

class Pod {
  constructor() {
    this.os = require('os')

  host() {
    return this.os.hostname()

  get resources() {
    return {
      free_memory: this.os.freemem(),
      total_memory: this.os.totalmem(),
      cpus: this.os.cpus()

Here we just copy/paste code form the Stats class into a new class.

Next step we are going to create a new class and move the in-memory store logic there.

class DB {
    this.db = []

    this.db.push( obj )

    return this.db.length

  get all() {
    return => obj.sample)

module.exports = { DB }

Again we just copy/paste from our previous example, but this time we use an array instead of an JavaScript object, also we modify the returning value in the all method, instead of returning a simple object, this class now assumes that we have objects that respond to the sample method/message call.

For the last component we are going to reuse the Stats class and just simplify the remaining functionality which takes care of sampling the network.

class Stats {
  constructor() {
    this.close = false
   readResponse(response) {/*..*/}
   readRequest(header) {/*..*/}
   startProfile() {/*..*/}
   endProfile() {/*..*/}
   get sample() {
       return {
         endpoint: this.endpoint,
         method: this.method,
         response: this.response,
         time: this.end,
         started: this.start,
         file: this.isFile(this.endpoint),

Here we just remove the history method and return a plain JavaScript object.


Doing this modification will also change the way we implement our network sampling, by simplifying the Stats class we are now able to create an object per HTTP transaction.

const { Stats } = require('./monitor')

function telemetry({service, server}) {
  let stats = new Stats()

  server.on('http:data',  (header)       => stats.readRequest(header)

  service.on('http:data', (header, data) => stats.readResponse(header, data)

Here we create one sampling object per transaction instead of having one global object. To save each transaction we are going to create DB object.

const { Stats, Pod } = require('./monitor')
const { DB } = require('./db')

let db = new DB()

function telemetry({service, server}) {
  let stats = new Stats()

  server.on('http:data',  (header)       => stats.readRequest(header)

  service.on('http:data', (header, data) => stats.readResponse(header, data)

Now we are in the same place as our last post, but we are in better position to post this information.

Making Sense Of Data

Collecting data from our pod is great, but our “service mesh” need to provide a way to make sense of the collected metrics. We can start by designing a micro-service that collect this metrics and show it in a human friendly way.

Our service will implement two endpoints and will receive the data in the following format:

  {pod: '<name-of-the-pod>', data: 'body-of-statistics' }

Every decorator should identify the pod and send some metrics and we are going provide two endpoints one for service performance /stats another for the hardware telemetry /resources.


Let's setup a new Node.JS project:

mkdir dashboard-project-folder && cd dashboard-project-folder
npm init
npm install -S express  #Install the express framework
Hello World

Here is the minimal amount of code required to create a Node.JS web service.

const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = 8080

app.get('/',  (req, res) => {
  res.status(200).send({message: "Hello World"})
} )

app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Listening: ${port}!`))

We instantiate the express framework choose the port 8080, create a function to handle the HTTP GET request to the / endpoint and start a web server.

{"message":"Hello World"}%

Your typical POST request has the following shape:

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 13


It would be nice if we can transform the content (pod=Hi&to=<a-lot-of-data>) into a JSON object so is easier to work with, for that reason we are going to use body-parser library.

To install body-parser:

 npm install -S body-parser


const express = require('express')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')

app.get('/',  (req, res) => {
  res.status(200).send({message: "Hello World"})
} )


To keep things simple we are going to persist the data using a dictionary.

let stats = {}'/stats', (req, res)  => {
  let data = req.body

  stats[data.pod] = data

  console.log('data ->', data)
  res.status(200).send({ response: 'saved' })
} )

The request is transformed into JSON and placed into the req.body field, we extract the data and store it into our dictionary. For the hardware metrics we are going to do the same.

let resources = {}'/resources', (req, res)  => {
  let data = req.body

  resources[data.pod] = data

  console.log('data ->', data)
  res.status(200).send({ response: 'saved' })
} )

Our service is ready to receive POST requests, but we need to add some way to retrieve the unified vision of all our pods.

app.get('/resources', (req, res) => res.status(200).send(Object.values(resources)) )
app.get('/stats',     (req, res) => res.status(200).send(Object.values(stats)) )

This call is very similar to the one we used in our hello world we just return the values of our dictionary.

We do that because we are using the dictionary keys to quickly classify each pod, when somebody ask for a report we basically return an array with the values.

This is how we store it:

  'x-1' : {
    {pod: 'x-1', value:'...'}
    {pod: 'x-2', value:'...'}

This what how we return it:

  {pod: 'x-1', value:'...'},
  {pod: 'x-2', value:'...'}

Running Our Service In OpenShift

First step, we need to configure our project to run using npm start. We do this by adding a start entry to the package.json:

  "name": "mothership",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "start": "node app.js"
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "body-parser": "^1.18.3",
    "express": "^4.16.4"

To run this service we just need to do:

npm start

> mothership@1.0.0 start /Users/cesar/Workspace/js/mothership
> node app.js

Listening: 8080!


Preparing and packaging our service into a container can be done by creating a build configuration:

  oc new-build nodejs --binary=true --name=dashboard

Then we just run our build:

  oc start-build bc/dashboard --from-dir=. --follow

And get an image back:

  oc get imagestream

  #NAME        DOCKER REPO                       TAGS      UPDATED
  #dashboard   latest    21 hours ago


We can deploy this image creating a new deployment configuration:

oc create deploymentconfig dashboard --image=is/dashboard

#deploymentconfig "dashboard" created

…And Expose

The last thing remaining then is to expose this service to external traffic:

oc expose dc/dashboard --port 8080
oc expose svc dashboard

oc get route

#NAME        HOST/PORT                             PATH      SERVICES    PORT
#dashboard             dashboard   8080

Once we got the URL ( for our dashboard let's write some code in our decorator to post some statistics.


Our dashboard is deployed and waiting for our decorators container to start posting the state of applications running all over the cluster, but first we need to go back and add that capability in our Decorator.

To post HTTP request we are going to install node-fetch using npm:

  npm install -S node-fetch

Let's create new class called Notify:

class Notify {
  constructor ({ endpoint }) {
    this.URL = `${process.env['DASHBOARD']}/${endpoint}`

  send({payload}) {
    if(this.URL !== '')
        return fetch(this.URL, {
          method: 'post',
          body:    JSON.stringify(payload),
          headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
        .then(res => res.json())

This class reads the DASHBOARD URL from the environment variables which define the location of the dashboard and send a HTTP post request using the method send with a specify payload which can be any arbitrary object.

Usage example:

  let notify = new Notify({ endpoint: 'resources' })

  notify.send({ pod:'hello-rwq3', data:'...' })
        .catch( err => console.log('endpoint not available') )

The method send returns a Promise which is just an JavaScript object to encapsulate future actions i.e., server responses. If the Dashboard is not available our will fail gracefully and just show a message.

Sending OS Resources

To post hardware resources to our dashboard we are going to write this simple timer:

const TARGET = process.env['TARGET_PORT'] || 8087

let pod = new Pod()

setInterval(() => {
  let payload = {
    resource: pod.resources

  let notify = new Notify({ endpoint: 'resources' })

  notify.send({ payload })
        .catch( err => console.log('dashboard: resources endpoint not available') )
}, 1000)

function telemetry({service, server}) {/*...*/}

We just added a timer that each second executes a HTTP post request to the dashboard, with information about the CPU and memory usage.

Service Metrics

To report information about the service we are going to choose a lower frequency rate and we only post if there is new information is available.

setInterval(() => {
  let payload = {
    stats: db.all

  console.log(`queue: ${db.size()}`)
  if(db.size() > 0) {
    let notify = new Notify({ endpoint: 'stats' })

    notify.send({ payload })
      .then(()   => db.clear() )
      .catch(err => console.log('dashboard: stats endpoint not available'))
}, 5000)

Every five seconds we check the size of our DB object and see if there is something, if its true we report to the dashboard. If we get back a HTTP 200 from the dashboard, then we clear our array and start again.


To deploy this changes we just reuse build upon the progress from last post, and reuse the build configuration we created before.

  oc start-build bc/decorator --from-dir=. --follow

If you remember in the last post we installed our decorated a Java service, so this service will get this update as a consequence of rebuilding this image. But it won't be able to target the dashboard because we need to provide the environment variable, so let's do that:

oc set env -c decorator dc/j-slow \
        TARGET_PORT=8080  \
        PORT=8087 \

Here we use oc set env command which set environment variables to the running pod, in our particular case our pod is running two containers (default, decorator). We need to setup the variables for the second container -c decorator. The rest is just environment variable definition.

  • Here is an example of a head-less dashboard:

  • The last example use a slightly modified version of the dashboard service and an nice UI:

Here is the source code: dashboard and decorator.