We can start by creating a folder to store the static files:

mkdir mystatic 

Copy the static content you want to serve, in this example we are going to serve a simple index.html file:

# Jump into the folder
cd mystatic

# Download index.html *Hello World*
curl https://gist.githubusercontent.com/timbergus/5812402/raw/10ed8484a7b71d0f860f6cc0d81f5fafcf9ef339/index.html -o index.html 

cat index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <title>Hello World! Site Title</title>
    <h1>Hello World!</h1>

Choose Your Server

We are going to use httpd to handle the serving the files, we can find if we have this container:

oc get is -n openshift | grep httpd

#httpd  ...default.svc:5000/openshift/httpd  2.4, latest...

Look like we have httpd available, so let's use this to create a new image with the content of the mystatic folder we created above:

# Make the configuration for our image builder
oc new-build httpd --name=static --binary=true

# ...and build our image using the content of our directory.
oc start-build static --from-file=mystatic --follow

Then deploy the image:

# Find the created image...

oc get is
# ...docker-registry.default.svc:5000/ctest/static...

# Deploy this image into a container.
oc create dc my-statics --image=docker-registry.default.svc:5000/ctest/static:latest

And configure some traffic to our container:

  oc expose dc/my-statics —port=8080
  oc expose svc/my-statics

  # Now that the traffic is configured, we can access with our browser the following URL.
  oc get routes
  # https://your-route-to-container


The idea is to do all this configuration once and from now any new update just create and deploy a new image without to much troubles, so let's make a script to automate this:


oc start-build static --from-file=. --follow  # Push content from current folder
oc rollout latest dc/my-statics # redeploy the image

We save this as reload.sh, make it executable:

chmod +x reload.sh 

And we can reload the content:

#---> Enabling s2i support in httpd24 image
# Pushing image docker-registry.default.svc:5000/ctest/static:latest

We should have our assets deployed.

Another way

Is to configure deployment configuration to watch for changes in the image, we just need to modify the script:

oc start-build static --from-file=. --follow  # Push content from current folder

### oc rollout latest dc/my-statics # remove this line

And setup the trigger:

#oc set triggers dc/<deployment-config> --from-image=<namespace>/imagestream:tag -c default-container

oc set triggers dc/my-statics --from-image=ctest/statics:latest -c default-container

Securing Traffic

To secure the traffic via TLS (HTTPS) you just need open the router in the console:

oc edit route my-statics 

Go to this section:

  host: my-statics-ctest.e4ff.pro-eu-west-1.openshiftapps.com
    targetPort: 8080

And add just below port:

  host: my-statics-ctest.e4ff.pro-eu-west-1.openshiftapps.com
    targetPort: 8080
    termination: edge

Now you can access your static content via HTTPS.

Reducing Load

Unless you are expecting millions of request you can optimize this build by reducing the memory this container can consume:

      - image: docker-registry.default.svc:5000/ctest/static:latest

And just below image add this:

      - image: docker-registry.default.svc:5000/ctest/static:latest
            memory: 80Mi

This will be nice if your cluster admin impose quotas on your cluster.