Simplifying Builds

After more experimentation Jenkins Kubernetes plugin which allows to run Jenkins to run build using containers as Jenkins Slave I have found that you don't need to spin up a Jenkins slave container to have access to Jenkins default tools (like running jobs, scm, etc) you can just run those commands in the current node.

    cloud: 'openshift',
    label: BUILD_TAG,
    serviceAccount: 'jenkins',
    containers: [
    containerTemplate( name: NODE_12, image: NODE_12_IMAGE,
      ttyEnabled: true, command: 'cat') {

      node(BUILD_TAG) {
            My source code requires Node:12 to build, so I checkout the repository.
        stage('Clone Repository'){
            checkout scm

          And use a Node:12 image to build the code.
        container(NODE_12) {
          stage('Testing Deployment') {
            sh "npm install && npm test"

Node:12 shares the workspace with Jenkins.

Pulling Artifacts From Other Builds

They are special situation when I need to pull artifacts from Jenkins, so I end up writing this small Jenkins DSL to fetch assets from other builds.

def Artifact = "https://jenkins-server/.../lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/target/artifact.jar"

stage('Fetching Artifact') {
  //We get the Jenkins service account token.
  def token = sh (script: "oc whoami -t", returnStdout: true).trim()

  /* Because we don't want to display the token: set +x
  /* We send a GET request with the token on the HTTP Header
  sh "set +x && curl -O -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${token}\" -k ${Artifact}"

  //The artifact is downloaded.
  sh "ls -alrt"
