About The S In Solid and Commenting Code

About The S In Solid and Commenting Code.
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Performance Showdown: Rust vs Javascript Round 2

A while ago I wrote a blog post post about my learning adventure with Rust, to make thing interesting I was trying to use Rust to solve some programming puzzle and by curiosity I decided to use this puzzle as a benchmark to measure what language was faster Rust or Javascript. On paper the Rust implementation should win by a mile, surprisingly I found out that I was wrong so I started to profile the code looking for bottlenecks and found something interesting, I was using the slowest function to turn characters to lowercase, fixing this issue put things on par.
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Jenkins Tricks On Openshift

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How to Quickly Serve Statics Files On Openshift

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Creating A SSH Tunnel To Connect Via RDP

I'm working at the moment for a company that use an OS (and spyware) Windows 10 and because of some world wide events I started like everybody else to work remotely and connect to my desk machine remotely via VPN. To achieve this the IT department recommended the use of something of a VPN client. The problem is that because I use a flavour of BSD at home I've to think on how to use that VPN thing that only works on Winx86 to make the VPN while keeping myself far from Windows.
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Decoupling Jenkins Stages On Multiple Containers

Part of my day-to-day work consist in helping teams transition from monolithic architectures to a build-and-own your service using Openshift. As a gentle introduction into that world, I wrote some guides to provide a starting point to this transition. Recently I distribute this minimalistic “Hello World” Jenkins Pipeline which looks like this…
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Performance Showdown: Rust vs Javascript

After spending some weeks playing with Rust, I felt ready to test my skills and try some programming challenges in the Advent Of Code. My approach to tackle some of those challenges was to solve them using Javascript (I use it in my day to day) first and then port the code to Rust. While writing the port I just focus on getting the Rust code as elegant as possible to achieve that I research the Rust API's to get syntactically correct. It was after finishing porting this puzzle in particular and feeling a sense of accomplishment that I decided to test how the Rust compiled code will perform against Javascript interpreter.
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Self Deploying Node.JS Applications

Let's write an application that runs itself into OpenShift.
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Creating Your Own Istio (Part 3) - Dashboard

Reusable Telemetry
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Creating Your Own Istio (Part 2.5)

Reusable Telemetry
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