Performance Showdown: Rust vs Javascript

After spending some weeks playing with Rust, I felt ready to test my skills and try some programming challenges in the Advent Of Code. My approach to tackle some of those challenges was to solve them using Javascript (I use it in my day to day) first and then port the code to Rust. While writing the port I just focus on getting the Rust code as elegant as possible to achieve that I research the Rust API's to get syntactically correct. It was after finishing porting this puzzle in particular and feeling a sense of accomplishment that I decided to test how the Rust compiled code will perform against Javascript interpreter.
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Creating Your Own Istio (Part 3) - Dashboard

Reusable Telemetry
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Creating Your Own Istio (Part 2.5)

Reusable Telemetry
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Creating Your Own Istio (Part 2)

Decorating services at runtime.
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Creating Your Own Istio (Part 1)

How we can add/remove features to existing micro-services just by adding/removing containers.
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4 Ways to Build Applications in OpenShift

If you are migrating legacy applications or creating an automatic build system, OpenShift BuildConfig offers you various choices to help you with those challenges.
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Exporting external images to Openshift

Getting Started First you need to have an Openshift installation on the cloud or in your machine, the second option is the easiest one thanks to the oc cluster up command, this will create a small local installation of openshift in your machine, if your are not familiar take a quick look at the documentation. Creating a project Once oc cluster up finish you should have an Openshift installation up and ready in your local machine, now next step is to login in and create a project.
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